The summer period is here, and perhaps you are going on holiday. You often choose a totally different way of life. For example, a small house, a tent, or perhaps just a few bags and a bicycle. You take a condensed selection of stuff with you in a suitcase, and leave the e-mail to its own accord. You limit certain distractions, because then you can enjoy the different holiday surroundings to the fullest. You become nifty at getting along with less stuff, you come up with creative solutions, and finally, without the TV and the computer, you have time for that book.
You can use the same tricks in your day-to-day life. With less to choose, you win more time to do the things that you really want to do.
Worth thinking about:
- Limit the time that you surf the internet or follow social media. On your holidays, you do this perhaps only briefly in the evening; why not always?
- You often bring home from a holiday a pile of clothes you didn’t wear. Everyone always has a few favourites. Do you really need as many clothes as you now have in your wardrobe? If you have a few items that coordinate well with each other, then you need fewer items. At that means fewer choices and less pondering.
- Have you become nifty with simple kitchen tools? Perhaps you can look and see if you have apparatus in the kitchen that has not been used for years. It is easier to work if you have a clear overview of the kitchen.
- Having space around you is pleasant. If you have a good place for lounging and a good place for eating, you don’t need much more. At least, if you spend a lot of time outside. In the house, it is naturally different with cold or bad weather, but perhaps there could be less stuff in the house, so that you have more space around you.
Oh yes – P.S. Souvenirs – bring something back that is useful, or that is consumable, or something that will make you really happy when you see it again at home. 🙂