Have you often started with tidying up your house, and ended up buying yet another cupboard? Or do you just want more room, and don’t see what can be discarded? If all your stuff (the trees) means you can’t see the wood, then it is difficult to make a start. No need to continue wrestling with this. Allow yourself a helping hand, some external encouragement, and someone who will work with you. My clients come from every generation, and all they want is … restful space. In their homes, and in their heads.
I will teach you how to organize and make choices, and help you to find a logical place for all your things – which will thus be easier to find. I will gladly help you to find a good home for things that you no longer need, and a safe place for things dear to you.
Perhaps you are thinking – I can surely do that on my own? Yes, you can do much for yourself. And sometimes a little push can be useful, or another way of looking at things. Or just some practical tips that you don’t have to hand. And why shouldn’t you treat yourself to some help. Naturally there is a cost attached, but then you have achieved something – imagine – a house with room to live and work, cupboards in which you can easily find things, an efficient administration system, cared for possessions, a simple life … it is all possible!
Do you want to start doing something already? Here are some handy organizing tips for the home.
Would you like to start working with me: an introductory meeting is free. Thereafter, you can choose the following:
A plan of attack and 6 hours working together: cost € 405 (including VAT). You get 2 x 3 hours or 3 x 2 hours of personal advice and practical help. Naturally you can extend this help with an extra package of hours. My hourly fee is € 75 (including VAT). For travel time longer than a half-hour, I add a small sum for travel costs.
You will get homework to do between my visits, tips, a checklist, and two months later an evaluation by e-mail or telephone.
Make an appointment – I look forward to meeting you.