Guiding and advising my clients online or by telephone has proved to be a good option in recent times. And I am going to do this more often in the future, as I lose less travelling time, and it is an effective way to refine some material. However, from this week onwards I am going to visit clients or they are going to come to the studio. That is fine for both parties, as this way works the best. Both parties will follow a protocol in addition to the normal account that we take of each other. My professional association NBPO has written a clear protocol which I have sent to my clients. I make one appointment per day. It may sometimes be difficult to maintain the 1.5 m social distance. Especially if we need to look together at a computer screen, or in a box of photos, or in a filing cabinet. But there is plenty of creativity at the time of a crisis. Sharing screens with my own laptop enables me to look together with a client. And I also have Covid-19 masks with me. And if we are looking for something together, a gripper or tongs can be useful to pick an item up or to point something out. I am going for it, and I will see how it feels to work in practice (even though it is at a distance).