Due to the Corona virus, everything is suddenly different. It is good to note that there are already many turnings of the tide, reflections and initiatives to counter discouragement. It is time for invention and creativity. Time to stand back from your work, now that you perhaps spend more time at home. And to start (with the children) organizing the home. Or looking through photos together.
As many meetings, appointments and my APPO congress in America have been cancelled, I have suddenly got lots of spare time. Time to kick off an idea, or to minimalize an old paper archive. My work is usually one on one, and that is difficult to achieve now. Maybe I can guide some clients at a distance (digitally). And that could become a new service.
I am temporarily suspending my workshops ‘Do something with your photos’ until everything is calmer and safer. As soon as I have some new dates, I will announce these under the menu Photos/workshop and on Facebook. Read my tips if you want to get going on your own. And if you can read Dutch you can read more on the web site of Foto Organizers Nederland.
Let’s ensure that we all come out this crisis well. And turn the negative things into something good. A crisis offers opportunities too.